The Next Mainstream Programming Language: A Game Developer's

eao197 eao197 at
Thu Jul 19 09:24:06 PDT 2007

On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 19:39:59 +0400, Sean Kelly <sean at> wrote:

> eao197 wrote:
>> On Thu, 19 Jul 2007 02:54:29 +0400, Sean Kelly <sean at> wrote:
>>> Now that I'm learning about Erlang I'm discovering that it seems to  
>>> work a lot like how I wanted to approach concurrency in D, so I'm  
>>> definitely going to try and find some time to play with it.
>>  The Scala developers have tried to implement something similar to  
>> Erlang as a Scala's library 'Actors' [1].
>> Because of some Scala features (especially pattern matching and symbols  
>> as method names) Scala code looks like Erlang.
> All good points.  And I concede that it would be difficult to achieve  
> the level of concurrency used in Erlang applications in an imperative  
> language like D.  But I do believe that the basic style of programming  
> could be used with reasonable results.

It's true. I have used at least last five years -- we have developed our  
own agent-oriented framework in C++ and have used it in several projects.  
Agents interoperate each to another only by messages. Agents handle  
messages by events (special object methods) and special entity,  
dispatcher, dispatches agent events to one of him worker threads. Some  
agents can share single worker thread, some agents can own their own  
thread (active agents).

But as a consequence of C++ usage our code much more verbose than Erlang :(

That approach changes way of thinking completely. So now I'm a  
message-passing addicted man :))

But because message-passing in C++ more expensive than in Erlang, then it  
is necessary to divide application into rather big parts (agents). And all  
communication inside those parts (agent) make via ordinal synchorized  
calls, but there is almost no traditional multithreading programming in  
agent implementation. For example, our biggest project, which has been  
delevoped using that framework, now consists near two hundred agents and  
more than 90 threads.

Yauheni Akhotnikau

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