multiple dispatch using run & compile time reflection
ericanderton at
Tue Jul 24 07:54:25 PDT 2007
Christian Kamm wrote:
> I was experimenting with the new __traits and used it to create a
> RTTI-dispatched visitor here:
> I've extended the code to allow multiple dispatch and be a bit more generic.
> The code is attached, an example is inline:
> ----
> import multipledispatch, std.stdio;
> class A {}
> class B : A {}
> class Foo
> {
> void bar(A a1, A a2)
> { writefln("AA"); }
> void bar(A a, B b)
> { writefln("AB"); }
> void bar(B a, B b)
> { writefln("BB"); }
> // generates void dispatch(Object,Object)
> // that uses RTTI to call one of the overloads
> // defined above
> mixin MultipleDispatch!("bar", _0, _1);
> }
> void main()
> {
> A a = new A;
> A b = new B;
> auto foo = new Foo;
> foo.dispatch(a, a); // writes AA
> foo.dispatch(a, b); // writes AB
> foo.dispatch(b, b); // writes BB
> foo.dispatch(b, a); // throws error
> }
> ----
> I have also included a MultipleDispatchFallthrough template that'll call the
> best match instead of throwing an error if there's no exact match. However,
> the implementation is pretty inefficient. (feel free to optimize)
> Here are some rough benchmarks, relative to a virtual function call:
> virtual function call: 1
> MultipleDispatch with one DispatchArg: 2.5
> MultipleDispatch with three DispatchArgs: 2.9
> MultipleDispatch with one DispatchArg and Fallthrough: 10
> As you can see, a call through MultipleDispatch will take roughly three
> times as long as a virtual function call. Since a call to dispatch will
> contain two virtual function calls, that's almost optimal.
> Regards,
> Christian
I gather that since you're using near-trival function bodies for testing, these timings represent the relative call
dispatch overhead? If so, then that's great research - thanks.
- EricAnderton at yahoo
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