Control Structures Proposal
askme at
Wed Jul 25 09:45:51 PDT 2007
downs wrote:
> janderson wrote:
>> downs wrote:
>>> janderson wrote:
>>>> For example you can currently do something like this in D (untested).
>>>> For({int i=0;}, i!=0, {++i})
>>>> ({
>>>> });
>>> You can do better.
>>> void For(lazy void ini, lazy bool cond, lazy void inc, void
>>> delegate() dg) {
>>> for (ini(); cond(); inc()) dg();
>>> }
>>> import std.stdio;
>>> void main() {
>>> int i=void;
>>> For (i=0, i<10, ++i, { writefln(i); });
>>> }
>>> Yay for lazy void!
>>> --downs
>> I'm aware of this, I don't think its as close as having the delegate
>> in its own block.
>> -Joel
> I actually agree with you; I also want some way to do custom blocks. All
> I'm saying is the existing way isn't entirely as bad as you described
> it. :p
> --downs
Thats cool. Note that I was commenting on using ({ }) which I think is
better then , {} ) but its a matter of preference I guess.
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