Is D open for different code conventions?

eao197 eao197 at
Mon Jul 30 02:48:22 PDT 2007

I just want to ask D's community: it is appropriate if some projects will  
use different code convention?

I used CamelCase code convention, which was very similar to the current  
D's style, for more than 6 years, but with time I felt that my eyes got  
tired when dealing with big amount of CamelCase formatted code. So I  
switched to lower_case style and use it for last 6 years.

Now, when I try to write D code in CamelCase style I've found the same  
problem again -- my eyes get tired quickly. Because in code like such:

parseLine( char[] line, bool showGoodMessages )
     if( line.length <= 2 )

     auto binImage = tryExtractShortMessageBody( line );
     if( binImage !is null )
         auto analyzingResult = tryHandleHeadersAndBody( binImage );
         if( analyzingResult.isGoodMessage() )
             if( showGoodMessages )
               Stdout.formatln( "OK: {0}", analyzingResult );
           showBadMessage( line, analyzingResult );
       Stderr.formatln( "nothing found in {0}", line );

it is hard to read indentifiers like tryHandleHeadersAndBody. So I prefer  
to write:

parse_line( char[] line, bool show_good_messages )
     if( line.length <= 2 )

     auto bin_image = try_extract_short_message_body( line );
     if( bin_image !is null )
         auto analyzing_result = try_handle_headers_and_body( bin_image );
         if( analyzing_result.is_good_message() )
             if( show_good_messages )
               Stdout.formatln( "OK: {0}", analyzing_result );
           show_bad_message( line, analyzing_result );
       Stderr.formatln( "nothing found in {0}", line );

I think it would be good if there will be possibility to use different  
code convention in D. For example, like Ruby's: CamelCase for class names  
and lower_case for method names, or like C++ ACE's: Camel_Case for classes  
and lower_case for methods.

Yauheni Akhotnikau

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