lazy evaluation

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at
Mon Jun 4 03:49:14 PDT 2007

Ok; this time, the example does actually work.  Sadly, it doesn't work
if you try to memorise a member function; not sure how to work around
that as of yet.

	-- Daniel


module memo;

import std.traits;

struct STuple(T...)
    alias T Type;
    alias STuple!(T) thisT;
    T values;

    int opEquals(thisT rhs)
        foreach( i,v ; values )
            if( v != rhs.values[i] )
                return false;
        return true;

    int opCmp(thisT rhs)
        foreach( i,v ; values )
            if( v == rhs.values[i] )
            else if( v < rhs.values[i] )
                return -1;
                return 1;
        return 0;

    hash_t toHash()
        hash_t result;
        foreach( v ; values )
            result ^= typeid(typeof(v)).getHash(&v);
        return result;

STuple!(T) stuple(T...)(T args)
    STuple!(T) result;
    foreach( i,arg ; args )
        result.values[i] = arg;
    return result;

template memoImpl(alias fn)
    alias typeof(&fn) fnT;
    private ReturnType!(fnT)[STuple!(ParameterTypeTuple!(fnT))] results;

    ReturnType!(fnT) memo(ParameterTypeTuple!(fnT) args)
        auto targs = stuple(args);
        if( !(targs in results) )
            results[targs] = fn(args);
        return results[targs];

template memo(alias fn)
    alias memoImpl!(fn).memo memo;

import std.stdio;

uint _foo(char[] bar)
    writefln(`foo("%s") called!`, bar);
    return bar.length;

alias memo!(_foo) foo;

void main()
    writefln(`foo("abc") == %s`, foo("abc"));
    writefln(`foo("fuzzy") == %s`, foo("fuzzy"));
    writefln(`foo("abc") == %s`, foo("abc"));
    writefln(`foo("fuzzy") == %s`, foo("fuzzy"));
    writefln(`foo("Hello, World!") == %s`, foo("Hello, World!"));
    writefln(`foo("Hello, World!") == %s`, foo("Hello, World!"));

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