Why isn't DSSS ('s net portion) more widely used?

Pragma ericanderton at yahoo.removeme.com
Mon Jun 4 08:18:29 PDT 2007

Lars Ivar Igesund wrote:
> Pragma wrote:
>> I'm still finding it hard to develop reasonably complex DSSS scripts only
>> because there's only one possible mode of
>> testing them: net install.  There's no option to execute dsss.conf from
>> the filesystem (via "-file <filename>" or
>> somesuch), so I can't test my dsss.conf file out locally before exposing
>> it to the world (unless I'm mistaken).  IMO, that's a big problem.
> Why can't you use "dsss build" and "dsss install" ?

Hrm... maybe I missed an update somewhere along the way.  Does it still look only in the current path, or can you 
specify a path for the dsss.conf file via those two methods?

- EricAnderton at yahoo

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