
Chris Nicholson-Sauls ibisbasenji at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 12:53:12 PDT 2007

dennis luehring wrote:
>> Note that if you know the class name at compile time, you don't need
>> Object.factory: you can use a mixin statement instead, which works 
>> just as you'd
>> expect and without runtime costs:
>> mixin("MyClass a = new MyClass;");
> and why not just
> MyClass a = new MyClass;
> why is there a need for mixin the code???

If "MyClass" were being stored as a string somewhere, being selected by 
deep versioning or by some other compile-time process (like CTFE), then 
the mixin method becomes rather useful.

const CLAZZ = elaborateCTF() ;
mixin("auto a = new " ~ CLAZZ ~ ";");

-- Chris Nicholson-Sauls

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