Generic programming ramifications of const by default

Georg Wrede georg at
Tue Jun 12 04:01:58 PDT 2007

Reiner Pope wrote:
> I agree with what you have written. I've got another similar example: 
> the hypothetical DeclareFunction template, to be used as:
> alias DeclareFunction!(int, "a", double, "d", "code") myFunction;
> // should be equivalent to
> // void myFunction(int a, double d) { code }
> // no matter if const-by-default or not

(Slightly off-topic, but) shouldn't

   alias DeclareFunction!(int, "a", double, "d", "code") myFunction;


   int myFunction(double d) { code }

In other words, the return type would be the first parameter to 

If we really wanted to ignore the return type (as in your example), then 
we might want another name for the template.

For a lack of a better name, I'd suggest DeclareProcedure, where this 
distinction is of course borrowed from Pascal.

Actually there's a "typo" here, my line should of course be

   alias DeclareFunction!(int, double, "d", "code") myFunction;

(No use naming the return value. :-)  )

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