D2.0: an example of use-case for casting invariant away

eao197 eao197 at intervale.ru
Mon Jun 18 00:21:34 PDT 2007


It is a question only for clarification for myself. If I understand  
http://www.digitalmars.com/d/final-const-invariant.html correctly the  
casting invariant away allowed for situations like this:

// An interface for some third-party library
// (which is probably written in some exotic language).
extern(C) void initSomeSubsystem( char * initializationString );
// Our D2.0 stuff.
int main()
     invariant char* initializationString = "...";
     // Casting invariant away is necessary here.
     initSomeSubsystem( cast(invariant) initializationString );

Am I correct?

Yauheni Akhotnikau

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