D const design rationale
Daniel Keep
daniel.keep.lists at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 09:18:17 PDT 2007
Sean Kelly wrote:
> ...
> final
> const
> final const
> And that's it. 'final' means a reference cannot be rebound, 'const'
> means the data cannot be altered (through the reference), and 'final
> const' means that both the reference is frozen and the data cannot be
> changed. And that's it. That the existence of invariant required the
> addition of parenthesis on class invariants just serves to strengthen
> the argument in my mind. So in short, I'm just not convinced that
> 'invariant' provides enough utility to warrant the cost in complexity
> and broken consistency (unittest doesn't require parens, so why does
> invariant?).
What makes me uneasy about the above is that final isn't a type
constructor: it's a storage class. You're turning it into
sorta-kinda-but-not-quite both. So, you end up with:
final int x; typeof(x) == int;
const int y; typeof(y) == const int;
final const int z; typeof(z) == final const int;
"Wait; why is final part of the last type, but not the first?" And what
does this mean if you want a class member with final-style binding, but
(final const) type semantics?
final (final const(int*)) foo;
As opposed to
final invariant(int*) foo;
I think the thing here is that you're shifting the complexity from
invariant into final; instead of invariant meaning two different things
with two very different appearances, you've got final meaning two
slightly different things with almost identical looks.
-- Daniel
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