Bug tracker best practices

Regan Heath regan at netmail.co.nz
Mon Jun 25 03:09:36 PDT 2007

Hi all,

I'm a little out of practice with reporting bugs so I just wanted to check I was doing the right things.  First I managed to change my email associated with my account on the bug tracker (old account was old work account that I no longer have access to), yay me!

Next I logged in and looked for a bug report on the same topic... I think issue 463 is closely related though coming from another angle.  What do people here reckon?

Here is my bug test case:

import std.random;
void main() { index++; }

Error reported on compile is:
"C:\D\src\tmp\bug001.d: module bug001 std.random.index is private"

0 - Obviously this occurs because there is no local 'index' variable. This was a typo in the original code.

1 - There is no line number in the error message.  This occurred inside a small piece of code so it was easy-ish to find, imagine a larger block of code!

2 - std.random.index is private so it's not likely I am actually trying to modify it.  I think I should get the error:
"C:\D\src\tmp\bug001.d(2): Error: undefined identifier index"


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