Classes in D and C++

Andy Little andy at
Sun Mar 4 22:39:14 PST 2007

Hi all,

I have been evaluating D over the last day in comparison to C++.

The template metaprogramming stuff is great and I think its a real improvement over C++.

Sadly though theshowstopper for me is user defined types ( classes). I was hoping that I could port my physical quantities library to D, but the killer is the difference between classes in D and C++. 

In C++ it is possible to create classes that act pretty much like inbuilt types. I used this to good effect in my quan library.

Unfortunately in D although you can do:

class X{
	this( int n_in){...}

Its not possible it seems to do e.g this:

X  x(3);

rather you have to do:

X x = new X(3);

Following is a cut down example of useage of my C++ Quan library, which I hope shows why this requirement on class types is (though possible) highly impractical for what I wanted to do. The physical quanties here are all UDT's (e.g classes) rather than double typedefs FWIW and are compile time checked to conform to dimensional analysis rules.

I sincerely hope that this post is seen in the right spirit. I am not attempting to be a troll, but just trying to explain where I am at in relation to D, and just kind of disappointed right now that D doesnt allow the flexibility with classes that I have in C++. e.g create classes with constructors on the stack, arbitrary temporaries etc, which may be syntactic sugar to an extent but is IMO very useful and satisfying to code.

Of course I may have this all wrong ...?

Andy Little

// C++ code. compute chord and angle of wind turbine blade sections
// using my quan library

chord_omega RotorDialog::getChordOmega(quan::length::m const& r)const
    using quan::length;
    using quan::velocity;
    using quan::mass_flow;
    using quan::force;
    using quan::pow;
    using quan::constant;
    using quan::angle;

    length::m const tip_r = this->m_outer_dia / 2.0; 
    if (r > tip_r){
        throw std::out_of_range("getChordOmega Input radius is out of range");

    velocity::m_per_s const Vin_y  = this->m_vw;
    length::m const  dr = get_section_spacing();
    velocity::m_per_s const  Vout_y
    = Vin_y
    * ( (r < tip_r)
        ? 1.0 
          -  ((2.0 / 3.0) * (1.0 - this->m_ellipticality)
            + (this->m_ellipticality * sqrt(1.0 - pow<2>(r / tip_r) )))
        : 1.0 - (2.0/3.0)*(1.0 - this->m_ellipticality) );
    velocity::m_per_s const  Vb_y = (Vin_y + Vout_y) / 2.0;
    mass_flow::kg_per_s const  air_mass_flow
    = Vb_y * 2 * constant::pi * r * m_rho_air * dr;
    force::N const Fb_y = air_mass_flow * (Vin_y - Vout_y) ;
    double const  cl = this->m_cl;
    double const  drag_coeff  = this->m_cd / cl;

    velocity::m_per_s const epsilon = 0.0001 * abs(Vin_y);
    velocity::m_per_s const Vin_x = Vin_y * this->m_tsr * (r / tip_r);
    velocity::m_per_s Vout_x(0);
    velocity::m_per_s oldVout_x(0);
    for (int i = 0 ;i < 1000 ; ++i){
        velocity::m_per_s const Vb_x = Vout_x / 2.0 + Vin_x;
        angle::rad const beta = atan2(Vb_y,Vb_x);
        double const cos_beta = quan::cos(beta);
        double const sin_beta = quan::sin(beta); 
        force::N const Lift 
        = Fb_y /(cos_beta + drag_coeff * sin_beta);
        force::N const Fb_x 
        = Lift * (sin_beta - drag_coeff * cos_beta);
        oldVout_x = Vout_x;
        Vout_x = Fb_x / air_mass_flow;
        if (compare(Vout_x,oldVout_x,epsilon) == 0 ){
            length::m const chord 
            = Lift 
            / ( (quan::pow<2>(Vb_x) + quan::pow<2>(Vb_y) ) 
                * 0.5 * this->m_rho_air
                * cl * dr * this->m_numblades );
            return chord_omega(chord,beta );
    return chord_omega(length::mm(0.0),angle::rad(0.0));

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