Poll on improved format strings.
renosky at free.fr
Wed Mar 7 05:08:18 PST 2007
Daniel Keep Wrote:
> To be honest, I think the type suffix needs to go. After all, if you
> know what the type is at compile-time, why do I need to repeat it?
If the compatibility with printf(allowing %d without {...} format string) is removed (and I think I'll do this) then %{var} would be also allowed.
> Of course, doing that leaves you with the problem of how to specify
> formatting options... but then in the majority of cases, you probably
> don't care; you just want the thing output.
> So how about something like this:
> Expansion ::= "$" ExpansionSpec
> ExpansionSpec ::= FormattingOptions ExpansionExpr
> ExpansionSpec ::= ExpansionExpr
> FormattingOptions ::= "(" string ")"
> ExpansionExpr ::= "{" D_Expression "}"
> ExpansionExpr ::= D_Identifier
> So the example above becomes "... $(08){var1+var2} ...": one character
> longer, but gives you more freedom as to what you can put in the
> formatting options. Plus, if you don't care how it's formatted, you can
> use "... ${var1+var2} ...", and if you just want to print a variable
> out, you can use "... $somevar ...".
Printf-Format string are quite powerful, and they're well known so I think their syntax should be kept, just with the obligation to follow by {...}: so the following would work:
%{var}, %08X{var}, etc.. (%d{var} and %s{var} wouldn't be useful anymore, I agree but to avoid surprising C programmers, they should be kept).
$somevar or %somevar without {...}, I don't know, it's shorter, sure but less readable I think.
> Plus, if you discount the formatting stuff out the front, it's roughly
> comparable to how variable expansions are written in bash and the like.
> I also think that Nemerle (which has had this sort of compile-time
> printf stuff for ages) does it the same way.
> As for the spec itself: it should be const char[] only, and display a
> meaningful error if the programmer tries to pass a non-const char[].
For the const char[] only, I agree.
The problem for the 'meaningful error' is that D doesn't provide a way to print the line number of where the template was called..
> That said, I think you should also provide a "run-time" version of the
> function that has the exact same parser, formatting, etc., but the user
> can pass one or more hash maps to the function. This would allow people
> to use the same format for both compile and runtime, whilst not making
> the runtime version a security risk (well, aside from arbitrary
> expressions, anyway). For example:
> > auto author = "renoX";
> > auto d_bdfl = "Walter Bright";
> > auto life = 42;
> >
> > mixin(swritefln("Author: $author, BDFL: $(q)d_bdfl, "
> > "Meaning of life: $life"));
> >
> > // Author: renoX, BDFL: "Walter Bright", Meaning of life: 42
> >
> > char[][char[]] strings;
> > int[char[]] ints;
> >
> > strings["author"] = author;
> > strings["d-bdfl"] = d_bdfl;
> > ints["life"] = life;
> >
> > auto formatstr = "Author: $author, BDFL: $(q){d-bdfl}, "
> > "Meaning of life: $life";
> >
> > writefln(formatstr, strings, ints);
> >
> > // Prints the same thing as above
Python has this string manipulation possibility with the associative array, I think.
What is supposed to happen if one key belongs to several associative arrays? Or if it doesn't exist in all the associative arrays provided?
> -- Daniel
> P.S. $(q){...} is stolen from Lua's "%q" format specifier: prints a
> string out complete with escaping and quotation marks :P
I don't understand the difference between %q and %s.
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