Idea: Run Time Compilation

Johan Granberg lijat.meREM at
Fri Mar 9 07:52:15 PST 2007

Craig Black wrote:

> Since Walter is in the habit of adding super advanced features to D, I
> thought it possible that this one might eventually make it in.  As always,
> please let me know if I'm way off base.
> What if we could invoke the compiler from an application at run time and
> generate a function that would be instantiated on the heap?  The function
> would be defined by a text string and would be invoked via a function
> pointer or delegate.  This would allow a script-like capability with
> fully-optimized performance provided by the D compiler.  I think the D
> compiler would be ideal for this since it is so fast.  Since the method
> would be allocated on the heap dynamically, it could also be removed when
> it is done being used.
> Thoughts?
> -Craig

I like this idea but it sounds a bit tricky to implement (not to mention
possible license issues where the compiler is made a part of the programs
it compiles).

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