Extended Type Design.

Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email) SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Fri Mar 16 02:19:33 PDT 2007

Derek Parnell wrote:
> Yes! "const!" is bad form. Really bad. Horrible in fact. Just make it a new
> keyword please, without using non-alpha characters. Such as "readonly",
> "immutable", "keepyourgrubbyhandsoff", ... anything but using "!".

You can use "super const". We should be really really careful about 
adding new keywords; D already has tons, and I have a feeling we don't 
want it to become Cobol or dBase.

If there are ways to stay away from new keywords, we'll do so. I do 
realize that no matter the syntax, there will be people who won't like 
it. But avoiding adding keywords liberally is an overriding desideratum.


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