Extended Type Design.
Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)
SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Fri Mar 16 11:28:21 PDT 2007
Benji Smith wrote:
> Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email) wrote:
>> We've shoved keywords like "readonly" and "view" for a while, and they
>> just added more confusion than cleared, at a high cost. If (as I
>> suspect) super const appears relatively infrequently, it might be fine
>> to just encode it as the mildly verbose "super const". In fact, it's
>> shorter than "keepyourgrubbyhandsoff". :o)
>> Andrei
> Really? I'd think super const would be used all the time. Anywhere a
> class has some invariant field, it'll probably be expressed as super
> const (if I'm understanding correctly that super const is the equivalent
> of #define constants in C++ or static final constants in Java).
No. super const deals with pointers and transitivity. Final deals with
non-rebindable symbols. I'd be hard pressed to think of many examples
where class members are transitively immutable.
> Let me join the ranks of those who hate both versions of the new syntax.
> const! looks either like a template or like "not const". You guys may
> think you're saving a keyword, and that might be technically correct
> from the perspective of the parser.
The parser has zilch to do with it.
> But, for the perspective of the D
> developer, it still looks like you've introduced a new keyword, but it's
> a keyword that's A) nearly identical to another keyword, and B) contains
> a symbol. Ugh. I really. Really. Really. Hate it.
Can't help. For any given feature, there will be people who hate it.
Usually they are also the most vocal :o).
> Using "super const" is also annoying because all of the other storage
> classes use a single keyword. Now we've got this weird case that uses
> two keywords. And the word "super" is now overloaded in two completely
> unrelated concepts.
So what? Don't we use words in natural language that are polysemous too?
As long as the context makes it unambiguous, great.
> (By the way, I don't like "static if" either. I think the right choice
> would have been #if, #foreach, etc. And I think C++ made a mistake by
> defining "long long" and "double double" types as well. Presumably, that
> saved some keywords, but we'd all have been better off if the types were
> defined as int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, etc).
You're making my point exactly. I love static if, and don't like #if.
Again: for each feature, there will be people who like it and hate it :o).
> I vote for "readonly" and "const". Anything else seems like a mistake.
Which is which? How would you have people distinguish them without
running to the manual? How would you explain C++ immigrants that const
is actually readonly, and there is a const, but that const means
something else than their const?
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