stdio and Tango I/O performance
Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)
SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Wed Mar 21 12:04:24 PDT 2007
Anders F Björklund wrote:
> Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email) wrote:
>> Over the past couple of weeks Walter and I have worked on improving
>> the stdio module, following my shocking discovery that its performance
>> was inadequate for any amount of serious coding. To say nothing about
>> the lack of the input routines readf, readln, etc.
> It's excellent news that std.stdio is finally getting revamped!
> Hopefully you were able to make some use of our previous code
> and suggestions, from the discussions held earlier (in 2005).
The only concern is the risk of concurrent development of stdio and
Tango's I/O. It would be best to not balkanize the community by
presenting them functionally almost equivalent interfaces. Phobos
already has two, no, three mutually incompatible ways of dealing with
files. I don't know how this can be approached effectively.
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