Error interpretation / Pop3Client
Frits van Bommel
fvbommel at
Wed Mar 28 06:54:36 PDT 2007
Dié wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm using dCode IDE for compiling the Exemple in Pop3Client.d (Tango...Sources... trunk/patches/proposals).
> I have this error:
> OPTLINK (R) for Win32 Release 7.50B1
> Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989 - 2001 All Rights Reserved
> poptest.obj(poptest)
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D5tango3net4pop310Pop3Client14POP3Connection7__ClassZ
> poptest.obj(poptest)
> Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D5tango3net4pop310Pop3Client14POP3Connection5_ctorMFAaAaAaiZC5tango3net4pop310Pop3Client14POP3Connection
> --- errorlevel 2
> but i dont understant why POPConnection provocate this error.
> Before this, my question is: how can i understand this error string "_D5tango3net4pop310Pop3Client14POP3Connection7__ClassZ" for example.
> I think "" rapresent the hierarchy folders, but "_D.....3......4......14......7__ClassZ"???????
It's the mangled version of
"". In other words, the
ClassInfo data[1] for the class POP3Connection in module
(Phobos' std/demangle.d contains an example on how to use it to
automatically demangle such names)
The other string means class "[], char[], char[],
int, <this-ptr>)", i.e. the constructor taking three char[]s and an int
(and an implicit this pointer) for that same class.
Are you sure you compiled and linked the module?
(A note for others who couldn't find that module: the Pop3Client module
seems to only be available under trunk/patches/proposals in the SVN
If the above doesn't help:
What version of Tango are you using and what version of DMD?
AFAIK Tango hasn't yet been updated for DMD v1.010. I'm not sure if it
needs to be, but I haven't tried it either.
[1]: a class defined in object.d[i]
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