Predefined Version Identifier on Linux
murpsoft at
Wed Mar 28 11:42:27 PDT 2007
Carlos Smith Wrote:
> GrEaT, dO yOu FeEl BeTtEr NoW ?
> iF yEs, ThAn I WiLl CoNsIdEr ThIs aS mY lItTle
> CoNtRiBuTiOn To BrInG jOy In ThE lIfE oF
> sOmEoNe !
> HaVe A nIcE dAy.
Wow dude.
I didn't know you were the maintainer of *that many* Linux modules.
They mostly follow convention, but it always irked me reading the source, 'cause the case rules change every other identifier.
x += WhatDoYouThink * iDontKnow(im_just_trying_to_read,thissource);
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