example for compile time function execution
eao197 at intervale.ru
Thu May 3 05:13:47 PDT 2007
On Sat, 28 Apr 2007 00:21:44 +0400, Walter Bright
<newshound1 at digitalmars.com> wrote:
> I keep racking my brain trying to come up with a short, pithy example of
> CTFE that uses AAs or struct literals. It should be just a few lines,
> and make it clear why CTFE is a great thing. I want to use it in
> presentations.
> Any ideas?
Can I try? ;)
Some languages have special syntax sugar for declaring attributes and
getters/setters methods for them. For example, in Scala we can write:
class Demo( a: int, b: String, c: List[int] ) {}
and class Demo would have attributes a, b, c, and getters/setters for
them. Or in Ruby:
class Demo
attr_accessor :a, :b, :c
But if I want to define attribute and getter/setter property for it I need
to write a lot of code (in comparision with Ruby or Scala). So I offer a
simple CTFE function for attributes and propeties generation (see attach).
For example:
class Demo {
mixin( implementAttrs(
[ Attribute( "a", "int" ),
Attribute( "b", "char[]" ),
Attribute( "c", "int[]" ) ] ) );
instead of:
class Demo {
int a_;
public int a() { return a_; }
public void a( int v ) { a_ = v; }
Disclaimer: it is not a production ready solution -- just an example :)
Yauheni Akhotnikau
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