D vs VM-based platforms

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at com.gmail
Sun May 6 06:36:39 PDT 2007

Pragma wrote:
> Joel Lucsy wrote:
>> Pragma wrote:
>>> But what's truly ridiculous is that .NET has exactly *one* target 
>>> platform.
>> Oh? So you're saying the optimized code coming out of the NGEN 
>> sequence for a P4 CPU will be identical to the code for a P3 CPU? And 
>> what about Itaniums (or any other CPU) running 64 bit? I'd pretty sure 
>> Microsoft is counting those variations as "platforms".
> Good point.  -1 for me for not recalling what started this particular 
> portion of the thread. ;)

Yup, that's was I was going to say, platform != CPU configuration. ^^

Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student

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