Rob Pike's Newsqueak - some good concepts
Joel C. Salomon
JoelCSalomon at
Sun May 20 20:27:24 PDT 2007
Dejan Lekic wrote:
> Today I watched an excellent presentation by Mr. Rob Pike on Google Tech Talks. (Advanced Topics in Programming Languages: Concurrency/message passing Newsqueak - )
> There are several very interesting concepts in his Newsqueak langauge which I would be very happy to see in D. One of such is the ability to execute ANY function as a new process (thread) via keyword "begin".
I mentioned some of these ideas when the discussion of a threading
library for D came up in discussion. Remember, though, that “procs”
(what Pike calls his light-weight processes) as implemented in Newsqueak
are maybe not suited for a systems programming language like D. On the
other hand, Alef /was/ a systems language.
See the Alef papers at <>,
the Plan 9 thread(2) man page for the C port of these concepts at
<>, and Russ Cox’s
libtask at <>, a stripped-down version of the
library ported to Unix.
I’ve played with some of the Plan 9 programs built on Pike’s concurrency
concept. I think it’s a powerful concept, and well-suited to D.
Whether D needs built-in keywords for this (the Newsqueak/Limbo/Alef
model) or a library (like thread(2) or libtask, but with a D-ish
interface) I wouldn’t presume to say.
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