Good Linux IDE/Editor

Alan Knowles alan at
Thu May 24 19:49:41 PDT 2007

Jonathan Crapuchettes wrote:
> I have been working with D for the last few months, but can't seem to find a good IDE/Editor. I have tried Code::Blocks and Geany, but neither was really want I wanted.
> I am looking for a good semi-lightweight IDE/Editor for D that can run on Linux that has the following features in order of importance:
> 1. Syntax highlighting
> 2. Good variable, function, and class/template code completion
> 3. Code compilation
> 4. Debugging
It's got, 1,2,3 - although we have not done much on 4


> After trying a few IDEs and editors, I thought that I would try to start a discussion on this topic that might help all D programmers.
> Thanks,
> JC

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