D Developers Conference
Jan Claeys
usenet at janc.be
Sat May 26 07:48:30 PDT 2007
Op Tue, 22 May 2007 22:37:49 -0700
schreef Brad Roberts <braddr at puremagic.com>:
> > Are there any plans for code sprints? I'm not sure what they would
> > be about ... maybe implementing missing functionality for Tango, or
> > possibly related to the Win32 headers or something. Just a
> > thought. Or maybe documentation sprints? Seems a shame to get so
> > many coders together and not code something.
> I gotta disagree. It'd be a shame to spend the time and money to get
> this many people together to do a bunch of typing that they could
> just as well do from home. Face to face time is so rare that it
> should be spent doing things that are hard to do from the comfort of
> home. That said, I'll certainly have space available for people who
> do feel the desire to design on a white board, or huddle around a
> laptop, or whatever.
Code sprints are often held just before or after a conference, not
during a conference. The advantage being that everybody is at the same
place already.
See for example: <http://us.pycon.org/TX2007/Sprinting>
Jan Claeys
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