compile-time variables?
ao at
Tue May 29 09:24:53 PDT 2007
Reply to David,
> BCS wrote:
>> [...]
>> why is it just char[], why not T[] for any T that can be used by it's
>> self? I have some cases where I want to do that.
> I don't know the full story, but after looking through the front-end
> code, my guess is that it's just easier that way. That is, when
> checking to see whether a particular type can be a compile-time array,
> it's easier to check against one type than against a set of types, or
> detect a set of type properties.
> Also, since dynamic char[] already
> violates the purity of metaprogramming, I think that Walter didn't
> want to expand and encourage that without thinking very hard about it
> (it's easier to give people new features than to take them away).
How is that? If everthing in meta land is pass by value (including strings)
how are arrays any different than normal types?
> Dave
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