
Sascha Katzner sorry.no at spam.invalid
Tue Nov 6 12:30:54 PST 2007

Bill Baxter wrote:
> I believe Walter said before that if he did rewrite OPTLINK (a *big*
> if) he would probably change it use ELF (or maybe DWARF now?), not

The question is, if this would be wise for the future of D. I suppose 
the missing COFF support is a big reason for a lot of people to not use 
D in their projects. A lot of people work (or have to work) with M$ 
products and sometimes you have no control or choice which libraries you 
have to use or in which format they are available. And the probability 
that a given library is comming from a M$ product and is therefore a 
COFF is high.

Therefore I think D should at least have the capability to *import* the 
most important object/lib formats. It neither have to use them in the 
complete "toolchain" nor does it have to export in it.

I've looked and found the posting from Walter, he wrote that the reason 
why he doesn't want to use COFF is that M$ keeps changing the format and 
he doesn't have the time to follow that... perhaps this will change 
sometime if we keep asking nice. ;-)

Sascha Katzner

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