Charles D Hixson charleshixsn at
Sat Nov 17 14:12:36 PST 2007

torhu wrote:
> Lars Ivar Igesund wrote:
>> The Norwegian alphabet have 29 letters, a-z + æ,ø,å (Æ,Ø,Å) - but c, q 
>> and x
>> aren't in any common use beyond certain imported words (like mentioned
>> above), xylofon comes to mind, but could probably be spelled as ksylofon
>> instead. So I'd say that the changes proposed here (the one and only true
>> forum for English development) are quite possible, and the letters c, 
>> q and
>> x could be removed from the alphabet :D
> xylofon in Norwegian pronounced like 'syllofon', no 'ksylofon'. And 
> thank God for that.  :p
And in English (US) it's pronounced "zylofone".  (English 
needs the "silent e", or the vowel doesn't sound long.  But 
see "Meihim in ce klassrum" [approx.] by Dolton Edwards.  He 
proposed, among other changes, using the letter "c" to denote 
the voiced "th".)

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