
Janice Caron caron800 at
Sun Nov 18 05:05:35 PST 2007

On 11/18/07, Alix Pexton <_a_l_i_x_._p_e_x_t_o_n_ at _g_m_a_i_l_._c_o_m_> wrote:
> I have notthing at all against the use of CamelCase

I thought camel case was when every word /except/ the first was
capitalised (because it's got humps in the middle, no?). likeThis.
Examples are "opCall" and "toString".

If the first word is also capitalised, I believe that's called
titlecase (because that's what book titles do, more or less). Examples
are "BufferedStream" and "DirIterator".

I'm not sure what "Stdout" is. By my reckoning, stdout is two words -
std (short for standard) and out (short for output). So I figure,
camelcase would be "stdOut" and titlecase would be "StdOut". I guess
some folk must just count it as one word.

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