
Christopher Wright dhasenan at
Sun Nov 18 05:19:57 PST 2007

Walter Bright wrote:
> Sean Kelly wrote:
>> Janice Caron wrote:
>>> (3) I hate Tango, stylisticly. I hate the mixed case module names, and
>>> the mixed case global variable names (e.g. Stdout). I want everything
>>> to look and feel like Phobos.
>> I'm not a huge fan of the mixed case global variable names either, but 
>> it does help them stand out, which I think is the point.
> Mixed case package/module names are avoided because there needs to be a 
> 1:1 correspondence between file names and package/module names, and not 
> all file systems are case sensitive (like FAT32 and NTFS, for a couple 
> widely used examples).

The only way to solve this is to have the DMD frontend do 
case-insensitive matching of imports. As it stands, I should be able to 
say 'import STD.STDIO;' on Windows/ntfs and have it work, but have it 
fail when using ext3. (I don't have a copy of Windows, so I can't check; 
and I don't feel like making a case-insensitive fs on my machine right 
now. I don't think you put in an explicit check for accurate case, since 
if you typed in a command line 'cd phobos/StD/', Windows might update 
the case of the folder name.)

This would have a minor benefit of allowing people using tango to write 
'import;', but using a standard convention also works 
decently. It's just that different projects use different conventions, 
and I can't use both in my project because of the case insensitive file 

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