Phango - questions
Sean Kelly
sean at
Sun Nov 18 18:13:26 PST 2007
Bill Baxter wrote:
> Sean Kelly wrote:
>> I suppose one could argue that following the Java approach in Tango
>> results in unneeded redundancies, such as the DeviceConduit module
>> containing a DeviceConduit class, but again, I would argue that
>> choosing an arbitrary name to avoid these redundancies would reduce
>> clarity. As it is, I know that if I want to use a DeviceConduit in my
>> app, I just have to import There is no need
>> to remember that the class actually lives in instead.
> That does seem useful. But is that true for every public class? It may
> be working in Tango, but generally D doesn't really lend itself to
> Java's one-file==one-class. (because D's only way to achieve 'friends'
> is to put two classes in the same file). Also in Tango I see you have
> tango.math.Math which doesn't contain any class called "Math".
It's not true of every module, because as you say, not every module
contains any classes at all. But for the classes that do exist in
Tango, in the vast majority of cases they live in a module of the same
name. The most obvious exception being modules with one 'primary' class
and a number of related classes. tango.core.Thread, for example,
contains Thread, ThreadLocal, and ThreadGroup.
I'll admit that I find this correspondence most useful when dealing with
Tango's IO package however, because it is so heavily modular. In fact,
this modularity is the reason there are few aggregate modules. Tango is
designed in a manner that largely avoids unused code being linked into
an application by spreading it across multiple modules. One may argue
that block-level linking would mostly solve this problem as well, but it
currently does not work with D, and things like static data, module
ctors, etc, would not be omitted even with this feature.
>> Finally, I'll admit to being a bit baffled about what the big deal is
>> anyway. The C/C++ standard library uses lowercase for /everything/,
>> type names included, and I've yet to see someone complain to the
>> various committees about this, even when third party libraries for the
>> same language follow a different convention. And things are even
>> worse in C++ because the library relies on specifically named typedefs
>> to operate, so the convention there is viral by necessity.
> I've heard complaining. I've even been a complainer (before I started
> liking lower_case names :-P). But I never felt there was any hope in my
> complaints leading to a change. That's where D and Tango are different.
> :-)
Touche. :-)
>> Regarding D, Phobos, and Tango, I think the differences between the
>> Phobos and the Tango convention are small potatoes. Import lines may
>> look a bit different, but /that's it/. The only other difference in
>> style concerns global objects, of which Tango has perhaps 3-4, all of
>> which could be aliased to something else or wrapped in about ten
>> seconds. How can such an issue possibly be enough to discuss so much,
>> let alone to use as grounds to reject a library entirely? Frankly, if
>> this is the worst thing that people have to say about Tango then I
>> think the project has succeeded beyond my wildest expectations.
> I agree with you there. I find that as long as something is consistent,
> you can get used to it, and maybe even like it after you get past your
> initial revulsion. But I don't actually find Tangos module naming
> disagreeable. I'd prefer coarser granularity than one-file-one-class,
> but that can be fixed easily with a few public import modules.
In my experience, nearly every project has slightly different demands
and it is impossible for a single library to exactly meet all of those
demands. However, I feel that it is the mark of a good library if it
can be adapted to every project with little effort, little undesired
overhead, and by not imposing design restrictions on the application by
virtue of the library's own design.
Tango is intended to provide a framework and style guide for application
programming more than to include a tool for every job. This is the true
reason for all the interface modules--they allow the user to build upon
the library in a way which will most likely be portable to other
applications. At the same time, Tango avoids hidden costs wherever
possible. Almost no memory allocations are performed behind the scenes,
exceptions are not used as a means of flow control, and so on. And
finally, the library is divided into a very granular set of modules to
allow the user to link only the code she actually intends to use.
However, this aim towards customizability does increase the learning
curve associated with Tango. Often it is not obvious just what to
import to perform simple operations, and it is often necessary to import
quite a few modules for an average task. Also, some users find the lack
of convenience functions somewhat daunting. These are all areas where
we are trying to improve Tango, but I personally feel that such an
effort can only ever be moderately successful. This is because, as I
said earlier, every application has slightly different requirements, and
such convenience functions must necessarily assume a specific set of
requirements. So I would expect such functions to be most useful to a
novice programmer and for one-off projects rather than for
industrial-grade applications.
Sorry for being so long winded, but this is the basic rationale behind
Tango's current design. Given this, I think our greatest challenge is
probably making the library more accessible to new users. If you or
anyone else has suggestions for this or anything else, then please let
us know either here or in the Tango forums. I deal almost exclusively
with rather obscure parts of the library, so I tend to forget about the
high-level issues people face with Tango.
> Here's an example from my porting of OpenMesh from C++ to D. OpenMesh
> has a class OpenMesh::IO::Options defined in the file
> OpenMesh/Core/IO/Options.hh. Trying to make as few changes as possible,
> I named the module OpenMesh.Core.IO.Options. But it's been annoying me
> to no end because "Options" is such a generic name I never want to
> import that into my main namespace. But I think that as an FQN it's a
> great name, except that the actual class is called ...IO.Options.Options.
I'll admit that the double name "Options.Options" thing drives me crazy
sometimes. But I haven't come up with any language feature to improve
on that. So far, I just use selective imports, aliasing, etc, to make
my code more compact.
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