integer division with float result

0ffh frank at
Sun Nov 18 18:26:59 PST 2007

Bruce Adams wrote:
> So casting cannot be eliminated entirely that way but it can be
> significantly reduced. That's got to be a good thing surely?

Well, the use of a cast as hint for the compiler looks like a
rather nice choice. But then I don't quite see how it improves
the thing about integer and float division apart from the case
of assignments. Take:

   void foo(int);
   void foo(float);

As it is now, I have for example

   int i,j;
   float f;
   i=i/j; // implicit int
   f=cast(float)i/j; // explicit float
   foo(i/j); // implicit int
   foo(cast(float)i/j); // explicit float

With return type overloading I get

   int i,j;
   float f;
   i=i/j; // implicit int
   f=i/j; // implicit float
   foo(i/j); // compiler error: under-determined type information
   foo(cast(int)i/j); // explicit int
   foo(cast(float)i/j); // explicit float

So now there are just different cases where a cast is needed.
For some people I am sure the case with overloaded return types
has more appeal, but for others it is different. It's just a
matter of tastes, really, as the C way is no more complicated
than the other way. It is just not what many people expect at
first. I can't yet see how this small improvement is worth the
trouble implementing.

Regards, frank

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