Module naming conventions

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Mon Nov 19 08:04:38 PST 2007

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> "Bill Baxter" wrote
>>> *) Easy-to-remember rule ("just use lowercase") prevents naming errors
>>> slipping through the cracks on case-agnostic Windows.
>> I've already said that I don't understand why this is a big deal , but it 
>> was the the reason brought up by Walter.  (And my paraphrasing above is 
>> not exactly what he said, but the only way I could make any kind of 
>> logical sense out of it.)
> Here is why it's a deal (maybe not big, perhaps melon-sized):
> import
> import
> (note these are not real modules)
> [good explanation snipped]
> See, the problem with CamelCase is that it is sometimes subjective as to 
> what part of the name should be capitalized.  This in itself isn't a huge 
> problem except that on case-insensitive file systems, it is possible for the 
> program to compile even though it shouldn't.
> If all module names are lower case, then this doesn't happen.  I know that I 
> have to lower the case of everything, even acronyms.  There is no 
> subjectivity.

Yeh, if you convert to lower case improperly -- by adding extra 
underscores (std.out_of_memory), or otherwise mangling incorrectly, 
(std.regex, std.signals) -- then you will certainly get a compiler error.

But I think Don's point is still valid.  Why doesn't the compiler check 
the module declaration on Windows?  If you import and 
the file the compiler gets from the OS has a module declaration saying 
"module", then the compiler should barf on that.

> Is this a big deal?  Not really.  Back to my example, if I'm porting to 
> Linux, I see the problem from the compiler, then I fix my files (probably 
> with a search/replace script), and I'm done.  In the code, even on Windows, 
> I'm not able to compile if I use the *class name* XMLFile, so the only part 
> that doesn't work is the import.


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