Phango - questions

Sean Kelly sean at
Tue Nov 20 09:33:44 PST 2007

Matti Niemenmaa wrote:
> Christopher Wright wrote:
>> Also, this hierarchical documentation could be as simple as "if you want
>> to accomplish this task, you should look at this module", and then it's
>> O(1) to get to the file in the flat structure, not O(log n) as with the
>> hierarchical one.
> Ah, but consider the task of finding the right part of the module. :-)
> For the flat structure, it's O(l) where l is the length of the file.
> For the hierarchical structure, it's O(L + d) where L is the length of the right
> file in the hierarchy and d is the depth of the hierarchy.

I just woke up and your math is confusing me :-)  I like two things 
about hierarchical structures: first, logically grouped things are 
typically grouped in a directory, and second, if I have a rough idea 
where to look then I get fewer false hits with grep.  In large code 
bases, this can be a real time-saver.


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