Proposal: Make [][x] and [][a..b] illegal (reserve for multidimensional arrays)

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Wed Nov 21 10:01:38 PST 2007

Don Clugston wrote:
>  > Bill Baxter wrote:
>  >>> 2) D lacks a clean syntax for slices of multiple dimensions.  opSlice
>  >>> calls must have one and only one ".."
>  >>
>  >> Can you propose a syntax for that?
> How about making [] more than just a shorthand for [0..$], but rather 
> mean "take everything from this dimension and move on".
> This would, I think, make it more consistent with its usage in 
> declarations, where it is a dimension marker, not a slice.
> This would leave the way open for multidimensional array slicing.
> For example, access of 5 dimensions would be of the form
> auto c = m[][4][][][7];
> where [] = take the whole contents of that dimension, or [x] takes only 
> element x of it. Just as now, there is an implicit [][][] at the end for 
> any unspecified dimensions.
> A slice can be inserted in the expression before any dimension is 
> completed; it takes a slice of that dimension.
> So, for example, with a 2-D matrix m,
> auto c = m[4..5][][1];
> would mean [ m[4][1], m[5][1] ].
> and m[1][4..5] == m[1][4..5][];
> would continue to mean [ m[1][4], m[1][5] ].
> You can do this right now for user-defined types, but built-in types 
> work differently because of a (IMHO) useless redundancy.
>     int f[][2] = [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [7,8]];
>     int [] e = f[][1];
>     int [] g = f[1][];
>     int [] h = f[1];
>     int [] p = f[][][][][][][1][][][][][][][][][][][][]; // isn't this 
> silly???
> Currently this is legal. All those expressions are synonyms.
> e[0] == g[0] == h[0] == p[0] == f[1][0] == 3.
> In my proposal e would mean:
> f[0][1], f[1][1], f[2][1], f[3][1]
> which would become illegal since it is a strided slice (currently 
> unsupported in the language)
> and g would be:
> f[1][0], f[1][1]
> which is the same as h.
> In fact, right now, in an expression, any slicing or indexing operation 
> on a built-in array after a [] would become illegal.
> This would only break existing code which contained (IMHO) bad style and 
> confusing redundancy.
> If for some reason the existing behaviour was desired (such as in 
> metaprogramming or code generation ?), simply change [] to [0..$].
> But [] would continue to provide syntactic sugar in the places it was 
> originally intended.

What would this give you?
   float[] x;
   auto y = x[]; // what's y's type?

Or would that be just like it is now, a float[]?  If so then it seems 
like you lose some syntactical associativity.  That is, (x[])[] would no 
longer be the same as x[][].

Another proposal would be to allow [..] as your slice an move on syntax, 
and keep the current meaning of [].

Anyway, f[i][j][k] syntax is much more difficult to read than f[i,j,k]. 
  So I think the latter is what we should be shooting for.

Also one thing not clear to me with your proposal is whether 
f[1..2][2..3][3..4] generates 3 opSlice calls or just 1 when applied to 
a user class.  I can see reasons for wanting both.  If you have a fixed 
dimension class that only allows integer slicing, then probably 1 
opSlice call with all 3 slices is the most useful.  If you have 
something representing a N-dimensional thing where N is runtime, and you 
allow for slicing with objects (like other N-dimsional arrays), then 3 
separate chained calls like f.opSlice(a).opSlice(b).opSlice(c) might be 
more useful to cut down on all the combinatorial explosion of possible 
combos of opSlice arguments.


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