Proposal: Make [][x] and [][a..b] illegal (reserve for multidimensional arrays)

Oskar Linde oskar.lindeREM at
Thu Nov 22 01:32:38 PST 2007

Bill Baxter wrote:

> Anyway, f[i][j][k] syntax is much more difficult to read than f[i,j,k]. 
>  So I think the latter is what we should be shooting for.

I agree, and for what it is worth it is possible to implement 
multidimensional indexing and slicing for UDTs today. The only thing 
lacking is the ability to use the .. and $ tokens. For example:

f[i, all, all, j, all, end-1, all, range(1, end)]

gets translated into quite optimal code. The only variables that get 
passed to the indexing function is (i,j,1,1) and no temporaries need to 
be created. I guess that with some additional compiler supported 
sugaring, the above could become something like:

f[i, .. , .. , j, .. , $-1, .. , 1..$]


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