of Sock Puppets and Straw Men
David B. Held
dheld at codelogicconsulting.com
Fri Nov 23 20:02:01 PST 2007
Kris wrote:
> [...]
> As for this weird thing with the sock-puppet, I admit to being entirely
> bemused until you owned up to it. Then I wondered if that might be a
> double-blind post, but the one above does appear to be you. FWIW, it seems
> sad that anyone would attempt to manipulate or subvert the ng like that ...
> is it /really/ that important? You call that a 'prank', while I have to
> wonder if such behavior isn't grounded in malevolence instead. Trolling is
> bad enough, but what you claim to have done is surely several steps below?
> Yet, here you are chewing out Jeff N over some token semantic distinction. I
> don't get it. That does seem a bit hypocritical doesn't it? Why don't you
> have a go at me instead? Or, did you perhaps think JeffN was me?
Well, the double-standard here is quite amusing. Both of you accused
someone else of deception and trickery when the most obvious reading of
the "sock puppetry" does not lead to that conclusion. On the contrary,
the puppeteer was most likely insulting Janice as well, which means that
you two were feigning stupidity, adding insult to injury, and then
making light of it by dismissing your claims as "speculation". Well,
obviously, you haven't been a victim of such tricks yet, so it is easy
for you to blame the victim (which is what you did, let's not mince
words). However, I notice that once Jeff was a victim, he had a wholly
different reaction to the situation and did not sit around waiting for
someone to accuse *him* of sock puppetry (even though that would be just
as silly as both of your accusations). In fact, Jeff highlighted with
his strong words just how serious an offense it is, and now you, though
not being a victim, are merely emphasizing Jeff's point: being the
victim of an anonymous attack really sucks, in the way that a hit-n-run
sucks...you can't even strike back at your attacker. How is it that an
*anonymous* person can attack a member of the community, and you have
the right to *accuse the victim of being the attacker*, but as soon as
you have a suspect in sight, it's *obviously wrong to accuse the
victim*. *That*, my friend, is a double-standard.
Was it "malevolent" to demonstrate this point? No more so than it was
for you two to blame the victim, which is an all-to-common sociological
reaction to crimes in which the suspects have gotten away scot-free.
The reason I targeted Jeff and not you is because you at least had the
decency to retract your accusation after Janice protested innocence, but
Jeff was not so forgiving, despite having not enough evidence to convict
a squirrel of burying nuts. I have participated in enough electronic
social media to know that false-flag operations are the dirtiest tricks
of the game. It *really* sucks to be a victim; and thus, accusing the
victim of being the perpetrator is what I consider to be particularly
"malevolent". Since you seem to not have the taste of being a victim
yet, I can still pull out my sock puppet; and this time I'll be clever
enough to post through the web interface...then I'll lay an old
blame-the-victim trick on you and let you decide which is more
malevolent...blaming the victim or exposing the hypocrisy of doing so.
> Also, I will admit that I have wondered why you made that analogy between
> Boost and Tango, since your message appeared to be saying "Hey, the Tango
> guys say Yo! Put up or Shutup!" which really couldn't be further from the
> truth. Heck, there's even a long recent thread on toString vs toUtf8 in this
> regard.
Obviously, Tango is written by more than one developer, not all of whom
express the same attitude towards commentary on the library. The
difference is in challenging critics vs. justifying your design
decisions to critics. Good library authors can disarm their critics
with a good explanation of the design decisions, while authors outside
of that set don't feel that justification is necessary, because they are
the ones who put their hard work into it. Not all criticism is
justified, and some of it is simply bad, but the way it's responded to
makes all the difference in the world.
It reminds me of the interviewing process at work. Some candidates
simply refuse to answer simple coding questions, because it is "beneath
them". Well, maybe it is, but that's all the more reason to give a
quick answer rather than rejecting the question on principle. Without
any answer at all, it's impossible to tell whether the question really
is beneath the candidate, or they are just stalling because they can't
answer it.
When a critic says: "You should change X", you can say: "No, you're
wrong. That's a matter of taste and I can't please everybody" or you
can say: "The reason I chose X was because given the alternatives, it
gave us the most flexibility as library authors. Here is what I
mean..." Maybe "You should change X" is a stupid criticism that isn't
worth your time to respond to. Or maybe it's not. If you have a
justification at the ready, it makes you look all the more knowledgeable
than protesting artistic license. If you present the attitude that the
criticism is worthless, then other users begin to wonder whether X was
actually designed or was merely an accident.
My point is not that Tango is bad (though perhaps your
self-congratulation on it is a bit generous). I haven't seen enough of
Tango to say whether it is or not, and the parts I have seen seemed
reasonable to me. My point is that some of Tangos authors are more
diplomatic than others; and whether you feel that is fair or not (to
have to suffer fools, from your perspective), the reputation of Tango as
a piece of work is affected by the attitudes of its contributors (the
point I was trying to make, as delicately as possible). On the other
hand, I don't have any user-visible contributions to D, so I'm not
jeopardizing anything (the man who has nothing to lose is the most
dangerous of all). I happen to think that Sean Kelly is a good
ambassador of Tango, and if everything I knew about Tango came from
things he said, I would be predisposed to think it's a pretty darned
good library. I suspect a lot of other folks might say the same thing.
> As I pointed out in a reply to your post, Tango is changing in order
> to have some measure of compatibility with phobos (which you no doubt know
> of) and, as a library, it was never intended to be compatible in the first
> place.
> [...]
That's not the point. The point is that it was clearly designed to be a
standard library, or it would not have defined things like Object.d. So
the whole "never intended to be Phobos-compatible" claim ignores the
fact that users of Tango are necessarily going to expect a feature set
similar to Phobos, if for no other reason than that Phobos is the
official standard library. So whether that was an original design
intent or not, the Tango developers would have had to be extremely
short-sighted to not consider that such compatibility issues would
eventually arise. I would like to give you that much credit, anyway.
If Tango merely offered an alternative implementation to Phobos'
features, then your claim would have merit (like OpenGL is an
alternative to DirectX). But the fact that Tango offers a significantly
*disjoint but overlapping* feature set from Phobos makes it inevitable
that users would want to eat their cake and have it too (in the way that
both Qt and OpenGL allow you to draw on the display, and thus both
feature graphics primitives, but one is clearly more than an alternative
to the other).
Boost overlaps with but is disjoint from the Standard Library in that it
offers smart pointers, binders, and numerics. It could easily have
said: "Well, Boost wasn't designed to be compatible with the Standard
Libray, so if you want to mix shared_ptr<> with auto_ptr<>, you're SOL."
That would have been just as reasonable as Tango taking that position.
But if you look at the interface of shared_ptr<>, you'll see that it
accepts a std::auto_ptr<>. You're not telling me that the design of
Tango wasn't forward-looking, are you? After all, as you say, Tango is
now changing to *become* compatible with Phobos...
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