off topic =)

0ffh frank at
Mon Nov 26 16:59:39 PST 2007

BCS wrote:
> 0ffh wrote:
>> I second digitalmars.D.totalyofftopic btw. I just wonder: Would
>> on-topic discussions be off-topic in digitalmars.D.totalyofftopic?
> yes, and they would be ejected to the other NGs <G>
>> regards, frank

Wouldn't an on-topic post, by virtue of being being off-topic in
digitalmars.D.totalyofftopic, count as legal on-off-topic post?
That reminds me: We should really have loads of obscure  ( o   \
and ambiguous rules which we can then strictly and with      O ||
all neccessary means, and then some, not enforce at all! ( o   /
regards, frank

no smiley? w00t, no fixed width font?

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