IDEA: Use Unix-style chmod values for const and invariant
Regan Heath
regan at
Fri Nov 30 04:27:44 PST 2007
Janice Caron wrote:
> On Nov 30, 2007 9:16 AM, Regan Heath <regan at> wrote:
>>> Has anyone thought of using "in" for readonly view? Keywords don't
>>> come much shorter. Its existing use is about as useful as unary plus.
>> We already use it for function parameters...
>> "The in storage class is equivalent to final const scope"
> And yet, this compiles and runs in D2.0
> int f(in int x)
> {
> ++x;
> return x;
> }
> void main()
> {
> int n = 42;
> int m = f(n);
> }
> It doesn't seem to mean const to me. (Anyway, "final" has been ditched).
So, the questions become:
1. does "in" still mean "const scope" (final being ditched)
2. if #1, does "const scope int x" mean that ++x should fail
To answer #1 someone would have to dig round in the DMD front end I
suspect. Or get an answer from Walter answer. Or, code two functions
one using "in" and the other "const scope" and see if the behaviour is
To answer #2 ... Careful reading of Walters post about const, also what
happens when you try the above with a class reference instead of an int?
I haven't taken the time to really get inside the new system yet, which
is why I'm asking the questions instead of answering them.
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