Idea for getting rid of "static" on methods

Matti Niemenmaa see_signature at for.real.address
Fri Nov 30 11:00:36 PST 2007

Bill Baxter wrote:
> Something like no(this) was the first thing that came to mind, but that's not
> a keyword so I went trolling through the keyword index to see if there was 
> anything else suitable.

How about:

(!this)            int my_method() {...}
(!in this)         int my_method() {...}
(with !this)       int my_method() {...}
(!with this)       int my_method() {...}
(is !in this)      int my_method() {...}
(!is in this)      int my_method() {...}
(this !is in this) int my_method() {...}
(this is !in this) int my_method() {...}

Where in the latter two, the first 'this' of course refers to the method.

E-mail address: matti.niemenmaa+news, domain is iki (DOT) fi

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