Installing Eclipse

Bruce Adams tortoise_74 at
Mon Oct 1 11:30:20 PDT 2007

Jascha Wetzel Wrote:

> Janice Caron wrote:
> > On 10/1/07, Janice Caron <caron800 at> wrote:
> >> Are there any detailed instructions on how to get Eclipse running,
> >> starting from scratch, anywhere? If so, can you point me to them?
> > 
> > Sorry, I meant *Descent*, not Eclipse. (Although obviously installing
> > Descent may require installing Eclipse first).
> > 
> > Also - will this require installing the Java Runtime too? Coz if so,
> > that's just too much bloat, and I'll stick with my syntax-highlighting
> > text editor.
> the java-developer package will do for descent (the classic or c++ dev 
> packages, too, i suppose).
> eclipse is a java application, it therefore needs the runtime (as noted 
> on the download page).

The java run-time is tiny compared to the size of eclipse itself and you need it for lots of things these days. It may be bloated but its a must have. A bit like IE (some fools don't write portable html :-) or .net (shudder) on windows.

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