Key issue for PhanTango?

Aarti_pl aarti at
Fri Oct 12 03:48:50 PDT 2007

Kris pisze:
> I'm going to push this up for comment since I suspect it is a key factor:
> Opinions?  Is this what matters to people? 

I was sure that compatibility with Phobos is already decided by Tango 
team (as a goal). That's why I posted:

which is my vision of coexistence of both libraries peacefully together. :-)

But from different posts I can see that compatibility (in meaning that 
both api's will be allowed) is not decided yet.

It will be really loose-loose situation when D user will have to decide 
which library is she using, and then will not be able to use other 
libraries from "opposite camp".

Marcin Kuszczak
(aarti_pl -

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