Changes to the Tango runtime / GC

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at
Mon Oct 15 16:04:49 PDT 2007

0ffh wrote:
> Bruno Medeiros wrote:
>> So, is there a way to allocate an uninitialized byte[] that has 
>> hasPointer set to false?
> I'd say byte[] defaults to hasPointers=false, so you wouldn't
> have to do anything special to make it so.
> (It is the void[] that usually has hasPtrs=true.)

Agh nevermind, I thought the purpose of allocating void[] was to 
allocate an uninitialized array, but that's what the void initializer 
does instead. void[] is the same as byte[] but with hasPointers=true 
then? I couldn't find about that in the doc.

Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student

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