Mainstream D Programming

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at
Mon Oct 15 16:47:58 PDT 2007

Raynor wrote:
> Anders F Björklund a écrit :
>> Raynor wrote:
>>> I think it would be better if D had a real IDE. Business developments 
>>> are always done on Visual, Eclipse or NetBeans and at this moment D 
>>> has... nothing.
>> There are a few IDEs that work with D, so it's not exactly zero/none.
>> Situation is somewhat similar to GUI, there are several but no "big".
>> --anders
> Yes but without a good code autocompletion, a full debugger support and 
> a easy install, no company will look at D.
> But as i can see with Mhrmrmrm (not sur about the spelling :) ) it can 
> become a reality soon.

I'd recommend installing both Mmrnmhrm and Descent. You can use Mmrnmhrm 
for source editing (with autocomplete, find def, find refs, etc.), and 
Descent for debugging. I've made some changes in the development stream 
of Mmrnmhrm to make this simbiose work better, namely you can now add 
and remove breakpoints in the Mmrnmhrm editor which will work with 
Descent, but there are still some other downsides.

Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student

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