Poll: are you using D2.0?

Bruce Adams tortoise_74 at yeah.who.co.uk
Wed Oct 17 11:14:27 PDT 2007

Jason House Wrote:

> Bill Baxter Wrote:
> > Just curious how many folks are actually using D2.x already.
> > Reply here, or if you'd like to keep the noise on the NG down, just 
> > respond with this no-reg-required poll:
> > 
> >     http://www.billbaxter.com/tmp/d2poll.html
> > 
> > --bb
> No.
> Part of it could be that I'm using Tango and it doesn't support 2.x.  > The bigger part is that I don't know how much work it'll be to port > to 2.x alpha and the later 2.x when const is fixed.  It's a shame the > discussions about why that is and how to fix it died on this NG.  It'd > be nice to see a plan ahead for const in 2.x (that'd help soothe my > issues)

Its not dead its resting (pining for the fjords). I guess we are waiting for Walter and the inner circle to post a revamped suggestion or someone to work through the use cases and have a new brain wave.

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