Any ideas for lazy evaluation on varaible argument functions?
Darryl B
darrylbleau at
Thu Oct 18 19:22:00 PDT 2007
Tango has this great log library in the tradition on log4j (Or Phyton, if you
prefer). It provides loggers configured in a hierarchy, gives output functions
for differing levels, automatically finds infinite loops in code, makes
coffee, and general tells you that you are a great person and that you're just
a stellar example of your race.
Well, it does some of those things anyway. In the end, it's a pretty decent
log module, other than, it assumes what you're logging is a 'string' of some
sort, but that's a topic for another time. You want to log, and it's strings
you want in there, it pretty much covers all the bases.
With that love fest out of the way, it's a great big cup of cold yummy milk
(and you like milk, for the purposes of reading this post, even if you really
don't), but there's a fly in it. (Also for post reading, you don't like flies).
Yeah, you can work around the fly, take it out with a spoon, whatever, but
it's sort of ruined the otherwise great milk you had there, and you can still
drink it, but you sort of don't want to, though there's really nothing wrong
with it.
So, here's the fly in my cup of milk: I really want to log formatted output. I
can log normal strings without restraint, calling
'"grab milk from the store tonight");'
'log.warn("mother in law is coming");'
and that's all great.
But I want to put some variable data in there (as I suspect is what is mostly
done while logging). What I _want_, is to do something like:
'"grab {} from the {} {}", "beer", "pub", "right now");'
'log.warn.format("{} is {}", "Phobos Developer", "coming this way.");'
However, this can't work _and_ take advantage of anonymous delegates (ala
'lazy'), because the 'log.warn' is going to have to evaluate the format (to
call it).
The current workaround is to call it via:
'"{} is really {}", "this", "ugly"))'
Which is absolutely optimal from a 'omg your code runs like a racehorse' point
of view. Unfortunately, it fails the 'your code looks like someone got
horribly sick somewhere, could only find a bag to put it in, and so decided to
stash it right there where you format your info log output' test.
I've been studying over the forum archives back from about a year ago, spoke
with some people on IRC, and played with every strange and off-the-wall
thoughts I had , and I can't see a solution (without macros) to call this
oft-used function with less risk of carpal tunnel and the slight increase in
blood pressure everytime I type it out completely.
So, here I am, telling my tale of sadness, hoping someone might have an
insight that I have not. Otherwise, I guess I'll be forced to take this girl to the prom, but I sure hope none of my friends
see me.
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