Compiler bug..?

Regan Heath regan at
Mon Oct 22 04:14:54 PDT 2007

Simen Haugen wrote:
> static if( 1 ) {
>     int var;
> }
> static if( 1 ) {
>     float var; // Error, var already defined. As expected.
> }
> But if we do this....
> static if(is(int T == int)) {
>     writefln("T: ", typeid(T)); // T: int
> }
> static if(is(float T == float)) {
>     writefln("T: ", typeid(T)); // T: int.... Where's my float?
> }
> Shouldn't this be a compiler error, or at least a warning? 

Which version of DMD are you using?

With 2.005 I get an error of "Error: declaration T is already defined" 
on the 2nd static if line.


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