D vs. C#

Joel Lucsy jjlucsy at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 15:05:08 PDT 2007

Christopher Wright wrote:
> <nitpick>
> Rather, it is a virtual machine if it executes abstract instructions, or 
> interprets them for immediate execution. Compilers aren't VMs.
> </nitpick>

Bah, in that case DMD is a AOT VM as it compiles abstract instructions 
(the D language). Maybe its just me, but I really don't see the 
distinction between where it gets compiled. Either you do it before 
distribution, or like the .Net runtime, it does it on the client side. 
Without an interpreter, the compiled code is run directly. The .Net 
runtime from MS talks directly to the Win32 dlls. The CAS will block 
certain calls, thereby looking like its a VM, but really its not. There 
is no "virtualization" going on. And if you think it does, I task you to 
show me where.

Joel Lucsy
"The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program." 
-- Larry Niven

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