Inner classes - More expressiveness needed

Janice Caron caron800 at
Thu Oct 25 06:08:24 PDT 2007

I can't call this a bug, because I think it's behaving as documented.
Nonetheless, it seems to be that D could be more expressive. The
following won't compile:

    class Outer
        int n;

        class Inner
            static int f() { return n; }

The error is:
Error: need 'this' to access member n

The problem is that the word "static" is horribly overused, and
doubles up to mean BOTH "the function does not have a this pointer"
AND "this function does not have an outer pointer".

There seems no way to express "please can my function have an outer
pointer but not a this pointer" (which is what I was trying to

There also seems no way to express "please can my function have a this
pointer but not an outer pointer". (I wasn't trying to achieve that,
but it could conceivably be useful).

I wonder if we might find some way of expressing those ideas?

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