D Conference Tango Phobos

simax simax at gmx.net
Thu Sep 13 13:43:44 PDT 2007

Janice Caron Wrote:

> On 9/12/07, renoX <renosky at free.fr> wrote:
> > So IMHO the sooner one dies or is made compatible with the other, the
> > better it will be for D users.
> So what you're saying is, it's VHS versus Betamax all over again! :-)

This is not the same problem and can't be compared.

I like D and i would like to see it successful. But i think, the current situation without 'one' standard library can't be successful.

I like the philosopy of phobos. (http://www.digitalmars.com/d/phobos/phobos.html)
But i miss many functions.

Tango is comprehensive and i like it too. 

I don't prefer any of this two libraries. But i can't use library X und Y together, because library X use phobos as base and library Y use tango as base.
What can i do? I now use C, C++ and Java again. 

This is my situation and why i think this way (with two incompartible libraries) can't be successful.

Many programming languages came out in the last 20 years, but only a few was successful. IMO a programming language without any comprehensive standard library can't be successful.
(see http://www.tiobe.com/tpci.htm)

The d developers in this news group daily discuss how to improve the d language. But the main problem is currently that we don't have one comprehensive and simple standard library.

Many people sad me, this is the reason why they don't use D.

What we need is: the main phobos and tango developer must sit together an find fast any compartible solution.

But, what did these on the conference?

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