Terminating an application

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 13 18:51:03 PDT 2007

"Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 at yahoo.com> wrote in message 
news:fc9q1j$2gr8$1 at digitalmars.com...
> Sadly, exit() will not unwind the stack, calling scope blocks and 
> destroying scope instances.  It also will not call any of the runtime 
> cleanup functions (calling module dtors, closing the GC, anything else the 
> RT wants to do) without explicitly telling it to with atexit().  So, it's 
> not a very robust situation for the general case.  I'd be _very_ 
> interested how one could solve this without throwing an exception that you 
> catch in main.  Perhaps it's another runtime function that is necessary, 
> one that'll unwind the stack but without an exception.

What's the point of trying to avoid using an exception?


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